AJC Berlin is resolute in the fight against right-wing extremism and expressed concern early on about the growing strength and influence of right-wing parties.
In addition, AJC persistently warns of the dangers of Islamism and has been the leading voice calling for a ban of the Shiite terrorist organization Hezbollah, which was implemented in Germany in 2020. Global peace and stability are endangered by Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, support of international terrorism, and growing influence in the region. AJC Berlin regularly publishes background information for policy makers and provides briefings on the security situation.
Legalistic Islamist groups also pose a threat to a free and democratic society. These groups pursue their goals using political means within the existing legal system, rather than by force. To inform the public about these strategies, AJC Berlin offers informative events and briefs both politicians and civil society.

The polarization of society has strengthened extremist political positions in recent years. In particular, right-wing extremists, right-wing populists, and Islamists have gained ground. Moreover, conspiracy theories and the rejection of fundamental democratic principles, institutions, and the media have gained appeal across broad segments of society. It is not uncommon to find positions from the extreme right, Islamism, and the extreme left that overlap.
This development threatens our society as a whole. It is particularly dangerous for the Jewish community, since divisions within society are a breeding ground for antisemitic prejudices. Accordingly, AJC Berlin is dedicated to fighting all forms of extremism and stands up for all those who are threatened by it.
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